My Zimbio
Top Stories We The People

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Commomers Need Not Apply

Why is it that it is becoming virtually impossible to win an election in this country without a personal fortune matching that of an Arab Sheik or the backing of the chamber of commerce or the UAW. I'm watching Fox and I see that Meg Whitman is a Republican frontrunner for Governer of CA based almost solely on the fact that she has a personal fortune of almost 1.2 billion dollars. I think it is simply unAmerican that the ideas of a common man running for office would be lost in the face of such insermountable odds. This is a prime example of why we need solely publicly funded elections in order to keep our Republic from becoming either an Alogarchy or the next Fascist state.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Follow Up To New York Seize

This is exactly what happens when you allow massive government to steam roll the individual. If you can't see a connection between this and ObamaCare then you my friend are worse than Helen Keller. Government does not care about the people as evident in the previous post. Power, more and more power is then only thing driving liberal bureaucrats across the nation and ObamaCare is simply another tool in prostrating the people. When we the people eventually give away the public sector along with our own decision making to the government, the story below will not even be news worthy. It will be the norm.

New York Allowed to Seize Property for New Jersey Nets Stadium - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

New York Allowed to Seize Property for New Jersey Nets Stadium - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Suspect Could Face Death Penalty in Fort Hood Shooting - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Suspect Could Face Death Penalty in Fort Hood Shooting - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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What Life Do You Want For Your Child?

"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." - John Adams

House Passes Obama Care.

So the House passed Obamacare, big suprise there. Look, everybody's making a big what to do over nothing. This was the most probable result to come out of the House and it wasn't even as close as you might think, it only passed 220 to 215 and may not have passed if Bart Stupaks (D-MICH) abortion amendment, which puts stricter language in the Bill to bar federal funding of abortions, wasn't placed in the bill. Most Dems argued that language was already in the bill to restrict federal funding of abortions and fought hard against the new amendment. Anybody with a brain, however, would conclude that if language was already in the bill to bar abortion funding, then it wouldn't matter if clearer language was in place and they'd just pass the amendment without argument; but that's a different rant. Anyway, don't freak out. This bill barely passed in the house and I don't think it has a prayer of passing the Senate with a public option. Woosah people, woosah.

Friday, November 6, 2009

MSNBC, Showing Their True Colors.

After hearing of the tragic Fort Hood mass shooting today, I just had to see how MSNBC would spin it. I figured they'd water the story down a bit since the shooter was a fanatical Muslim. I figured they'd find some clever way of turning it around on the victims; maybe something about how an unjust anti Musim society and "baby killing" war led to this. Well, they didn't bother to sugar coat it.
They outright made that murdering terrorist, Nidal Malik Hasan, the victim in this tragedy. The headline on the MSNBC website reads: Supect "motified" about deployment. Directly beneath the title a short preview of the artice quotes the just as U.S. hating New York Times: The man accused of the mass shooting at Fort Hood started having second thoughts about his military career after other soldiers harassed him for being a Muslim, according to relatives in Virginia. Now I've watched MSNBC with its schmorgisboard of far left commentators (Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Dan Abrams, Ed Scholtz and the list goes on and on) put a liberal spin on the news for years, but this takes the cake. Not one mention was given to the real victims, the brave unfortunate soldiers who were killed, other than to group them all together and flipidly mention that they were killed.
When are we going to wake up and realize that MSNBC is trying its best to destroy this country. While the soldiers deaths are worth less than dirt to them, the Muslim shooter is nothing short of a victimized martar to the noble Muslim cause. MSNBC is a terrorist sympathizing network and should be recognized as such. this nation should look at them for what they truly are; anti American, Anti Christian, Muslim terrorist sympathizers. The politically correct envirornment they supposedly believe in is what will allow attacks like these to continue. While Americans are under attack, MSNBC and other like minded networks will spin these stories to victimize terrorists and attack U.S. "imperialism" and christianity. They use these incidents not to pull us together as a nation against Muslim terrorism, but to blame us for provoking these horrilbe acts. I believe in the freedom of speech and MSNBC has every right to spew these traitorous terrorist spinjobs but we must rally around those who see the truth and who refuse to be blinded by political correctness. If we fail to do so I fear this country will suffer these attacks, unanswered, again...and again...and again.

Army: Fort Hood Gunman in Custody After 12 Killed, 31 Injured in Rampage - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Army: Fort Hood Gunman in Custody After 12 Killed, 31 Injured in Rampage - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

White House: Policy 'czars' won't testify - Washington Times

White House: Policy 'czars' won't testify - Washington Times

There's still hope follow up

I have to admit that I had all but given up on the main stream (left of Stalin) media. If you had told me 3 days ago that ABC, CNN and NBC would stand up for FOX News Netork and wouldn't jump at the oppurtunity to marginalize them, I honestly, all kidding aside would have laughed at you. Today, however, I stand corrected. Not only did they stand up for FOX but in true "Bite the hand that feeds you" fashion, the Big Three and CNN banded together in refusing to interview a top Obama advisor unless FOX could as well.
The Obama administration had tried to refuse FOX News interview access and surely thought that the main stream media would fully back their decision, but they seemed to have forgotten one thing, THIS IS AMERICA! While our news organizations may have strong disagreements and vastly different political views they still understand that one of the most important tools we have in preserving democracy is Freedom of Press. They understand that while they hate the message of FOX News, restriction of that message is the first step to tyranny and will not be tolerated. Big ups to the Big Three and CNN and God Bless America!

There's still hope

Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama....Nobel Peace Prize? What am I missing here?

This is outright hilarity. I knew the Nobel commitee was liberal but this takes the cake. Look, common since tells you this is rediculous. The nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize had to be postmarked just 12 days after Obama took office! Not enough for ya? Try this one, the only other sitting Presidents to be awarded the prize were Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. T.R. brokered peace between Russia and China and Wilson was monumental in bringing an end to WWI. What has Obama done? Cricket, cricket, cricket. Give up? Nothing, thats what; unless of course you consider bashing Israel at every oppurtunity in a cowardly communistic attempt to appease the terrorist organization Hamas. Or maybe you think waiting around for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons instead of sticking a a boot up their a## is Nobel worthy. Who knows, maybe sooner or later he will do something Nobel worthy, (or worthy of anything for that matter) but so far he's shown that he's a puppet and the Nobel Prize commitee is doing nothing more than awarding someone they believe to be just as far to the left as they are.

Obama's Nobel Is Premature, Historians and Political Scientists Say - Political News -

Obama's Nobel Is Premature, Historians and Political Scientists Say - Political News -

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Americans Sweep Nobel Prize In Physics

Americans Sweep Nobel Prize In Physics

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Christianity singled out for attack...again

A WWI fallen veterans memorial in the Mojave National Preserve, CA, is under attack by the ACLU. A former Preserve employee says it discriminates against veterans of other religions. He points to the rejection of a Budhist memorial as an example. Now, I'm a defender of all religions that share the principles and morals of the Founding Fathers, but I can't help but feel like this is a thinly veiled attack on Christianity.
I wonder how many Jewish, Muslim or even Budhist WWI veterans there were. I wonder if the rejected Budhist memorial even had anything to do with fallen vets, probably not. The point is that this is a predominantly Christian nation and the overwhelming majority of Vets in this country are Christians. How dare the ACLU or anyone else who has never done anything to serve this country tell those men that they can't be represented because the half dozen Muslim vets of WWI aren't represented as well. This is nothing more than an outright assault on the dominant religion of this country, nothing more. No one can point out real discrimination against any religion other than Christianity in America. Even at Arlington, individual religions are represented on headstones and the same would be the case and the Mojave Preserve if a legitimate Muslim/Jewish vets group pushed for a memorial but they aren't. A disgruntled, likely atheist is simply extorting minority religions in order to bumrush a Christian memorial.
Now,Lets turn it around and see what would happen if a Muslim memorial came under attack because there wasn't a Christian memorial right beside it. Oh wait, that would never happen! Not in this increasingly politically correct, Jesus bashing society. I've said it before and I'll say it again, We're politically correcting ourselves right out of recoginition as the country our Founding Fathers established.

Wow at the hypocracy!

I simply cannot believe the hypocracy of the democratic party. How can you possibly railroad Joe Wilson into the ground for yelling out "You lie" to the President (for lying by the way), and give this blowhard, Alan "I didn't get enough hugs as a child" Grayson the royal treatment. Seriously, who acts like that. Republicans want people to die? Holocaust in America? Did this guy win most likely to dramatize a hangnail in his yearbook? If a Republican got on the floor of the house and claimed that the democrat's plan to fix the deficit was to confiscate all private property and empty all savings accounts into the treasury (which is probably true), heads would roll; and the pass the Obama cheerleading squad media is giving this clown is jaw droppig. Do you remember the schilacking Joe Wilson got? The hypocracy has got to stop.

High Court Takes Up Case of Cross on Public Land - Political News -

High Court Takes Up Case of Cross on Public Land - Political News -

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sovereign state of Berkeley?

The Berkely, CA city council recently voted to adhere to U.N. treaties pertaining to torture, civil rights and racial discrimination. Now, lets overlook the argument that I'm sure Berkeley has more than enough CITY related work to keep them busy seeing as how their state is crashing down around them. Lets just focus on the law of the land. Article 1 section 10 the Constitution of the United States of America which states: "No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payments of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
So Berkeley wants its own foreign policy. I wonder if they'd want to use OUR military to save them if they were invaded. Regardless, this is downright illegal and the U.S. Attorneys Office should not only put a stop to it but should bring the hammer down on the entire city council in order to send the message that this kind of treason will not be tolerated. A municipality can not pick and choose which U.S. backed treaties they will adhere to. The fact that Berkeley even has its own Foreign Policy Commision is grounds for prosecution according to the Constitution. Who do these Liberal traitors think they are?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ann Coulter Quotes

Ann Coulter Quotes

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Liberal wingnut of the day: Joy Behar

This is probably a touched up photo, Joy Behar never looks this good.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Liberal streak stain of the day!

Check out the fumanchu. All he needs is assless chaps and a biker vest. HA!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MSNBC Is Just As Bad As Fox

Today I Heard a liberal radio report that indisputable evidence of a Fox News right wing bias had been uncovered. a Fox News reporter had been caught egging on a crowd of protesters. A memo was rightly sent out that Fox was there to chronicle the event, not participate in it. This memo more than shows that Fox News wants to be impartial. Now watch this clip of Chris Matthews, one of MSNBC's top anchors saying that its his job to make the Obama Presidency work; not to chronicle it, but to make it work! I wonder if he got a memo about that, and they call Fox hypocrits?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Your right to flip off the cops?

Today on the Ron Reagan Show: standing up for your constitutional right to flip off and curse out police officers. The old man would be so proud. what a jackass.

Perfect Portait

Saturday, September 19, 2009

When does taxation become thievery?

To clarify, I am not an anarchist. I realize that government is necessary and therefore some level of taxation is also necessary. That said, at what point does taxation become out and out thievery; %50, %60, %90? At what point is it thought of as slavery to make a person spend most of their working hours paying the government before they can take any of their own hard earned money home? And before you answer this question heres one more, in what aspect is it fair that the %50 of Americans that pay no income tax get to vote on how much the other %50 must pay?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Here come the concessions!

Today in an interview broadcast on NBC, Iranian President Ahmadinejad suggested that the release of three American Hikers held prisoner in Iran for over a month now could coincide with the release of five Iranian diplomats held prisoner in Iraq for more than two years. He stated that the three Americans were possible spies and deserved to be punished, but if the US released the five Iranian "diplomats" then the Americans would probably be released in turn.
The three Americans were arrested late July after accidently crossing into Iran from Iraq while on a hiking trip. Now, if the Iranian President honestly believed that these three Americans were possibly spies, would he be willing to trade them for Iranian prisoners, I think not. Atleast not before he got the chance to embarras the US by parading the captured spies all over Iran. No, this is terrorism, plain and simple; perpetrated against a country showing weakness in the face of tyranny and extremism. During the Reagan years, Iran or anybody else would have never pulled a stunt like this. Infact, the 1979 US Embassy hostages in Iran were released the day Reagan took office.
And its only going to get worse. Today the US officially cancelled plans to install missile defense systems in Poland and Czekoslovakia. That display of cowardess will undoubtedly invite another Georgian invasion type incident with Russia (another example of the US doing nothing to stop its enemies). Whats next? If Russia came across the seas and simply demanded the keys to the country, you think we'd put up a fight? I'm not so sure.

When did racism become a one way street?

The more I listen to talk radio, and watch the news on television, and read the papers, It becomes obvious that the liberal media is doing everything it can to make racism a one way street in America. Recently a white high school student was beaten up on a bus by a black student. Left wing radio and television were quick to claim that this was not a hate crime but rather just a fight between two students and that racism had nothing to do with it. Was this racism? I don't know. I wasn't there; but had it been a black student beaten up by a white student, every news outlet in the country would have spun it as a hate crime by a racist white kid on a minority. The local sheriff in this incident was quoted on more than one radio talk show (Ron Reagan, Thom Hartmann, etc.)stating that this was not a hate crime. Well, I'm glad that law enforcement is credible when stating that black on white crime is not hate crime. Did they get the same credit in the Professor Gates/Officer Crowley situation, NO! Without even waiting for the official police report, the same above mentioned talk show hosts smeared Crowley and basically the entire U.S. police force as racists out to opress minorities at every turn.
Why are authorities so quick to dismiss hate crime allegations in cases of black on white crime while classifying nearly every white on black crime as a hate crime? Why hasn't anyone heard of Christopher Newsom or Christian Channon, two young white people who were kidnapped, raped, dismembered and murdered by four black men, while everyone has heard of the Jenna Six who were spun as VICTIMS for beating a white kid to near death. RACISM, thats why. No one wants to accuse anyone of racism unless its white racists their talking about but the fact is that denying promotion to white firefighters because no blacks passed the promotion test is racism. Denying that Lanny Perry Barnes, who smiled as he ran over a white family at a Mcdonalds, then reversed and ran over them severa more times is a hate crime offender is racism. And accusing anyone who disagrees with the President on ANYTHING of being a racist is racism. Quickly pointing out any white on black crime while ignoring the astronomically greater number of black on white crimes is racism.
If any liberal were to read this, they would ignore everything in it and accuse me of being a racist, which is stupid and also racist. I believe in equality and would give the shirt off my back to anyone; black, white or pokadotted. I grew up the only white kid in an all black neighborhood and have as many black friends as white. I believe that extremist groups like the KKK and the Black Panthers are disgraceful supremist groups that should be ignored into extinction. I believe that the history of slavery in this nation is a horrible blot on our country, but how much is enough. How much longer do I have to be sorry just to be white? How much longer will all white on black crime be hate crime while black on white crime is ignored. Lets truly be equal, lets stop igoring some crimes while imbelishing others in order to further our political agendas

Monday, September 14, 2009

Olbermann calling bush "Bald face liar" and much worse.

Keith Olbermann is just one of the many examples of blatant hypocracy among commy liberals. This is years before he listed Rep. Joe Wilson as "The Worst Person In The World" for yelling "You lie!" at President Obama. (For actually being a bald face liar by the way) Try to count how many times he insults President Bush.

Joe Wilson "I will not be muzzled."

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding - Political News -

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding - Political News -

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama Adresses the Senate

Insanity- Continuously repeating the same action and expecting a different result. Each and every time President Obama or any representative of his administration comes out to "set the record straight" on the proposed Obamacare, more and more Americans become dead set against it and I'm sure tonight's speech will produce no different results. Seriously, If you don't have anything new to say why beat a dead horse? I think Obama still believes that he's on the campaign trail and that his personal likability can carry the argument.

Well it can't; and the laughter that broke out when the President made the understatement of the century by admitting that there are still "Details to be ironed out" in his proposed health care plan make that all the more obvious. This bill isn't even on life support anymore, its well on its way to the morgue and Obama would be well advised to stop flushing his political capital down the toilet by following it down the crapper.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Excerpt From "The 5000 Year Leap

"I am rather tired of hearing about our rights and privileges as American citizens. The time is come, it now is, when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities of our citizenship." (Peter Marshall, The Rebirth of America)
I'm currenty reading "The 5000 Year Leap and when I read this passage it resonated through me like nothing I've heard in years. This is the only attitude that will pull our country from the brink of disaster and back into the realm of common sense. A few weeks ago a caller on the Thom Hartmann Show said without shame that every American citizen should be getting the same benifits as military servicemen and women. (even referring to them as "Those who participate in war") And Hartmann agreed! I agree that every man woman and child in America should have the best healthcare available, but to believe that you owe nothing in return is just pathetic. Its this feeling of entitlement and birthright that's sucking out all motivation and self reliance in todays youth.

Time Running Out for Bipartisan Health Compromise - Political News -

Time Running Out for Bipartisan Health Compromise - Political News -

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The Left Wing Media Slacking Again

Wow, just another example of how slanted the media is. When ABC and NBC, two of the three major networks basically refuse to report the Van Jones resignation it just disgusts me. I'd love to go back and see how long it took them to jump all over Tom Delay, Alberto Gonzales or Donald Rumsfeld; none of which went down in flames like Jones. And they want to diversify conservative radio! Give me a break.

Most Major News Outlets Largely Ignore Van Jones Controversy - Political News -

Most Major News Outlets Largely Ignore Van Jones Controversy - Political News -

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bye Bye Van Jones

With all the slack Glenn Beck has taken lately this has got to be exhonerating to say the least. No he wasn't the first to out Van Jones as the radical Communist enemy of the state that he is; but he did take the lead and see it home. Now there's a bigger picture here than Glenn Beck but you've got to give him alot of credit.

Beck may have given him the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that the president may have not known what a nut Van Jones is. I don't buy it. Obama is, as all signs point to a radical, anti capitalistic, reformist himself (I'm not yet prepared to call him a communist). He knew exactly what Van Jones was. He knew what he was and he recruited him not inspite of but because of it. Hopefully this will be the long overdue wake up call to Obama and his minions that they're not going to radicalize this country and that people are paying attention to assure just that.

Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News -

Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News -

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Friday, September 4, 2009

How Can Your Child Help Obama?!

So, how can the children of America help President Obama succeed. This was the question the White House wanted to pose to our children in the Presidents upcoming nationwide student address. After watching his video which will most likely push a liberal agenda, the president wanted students to write about "How can I help the President" and "What does the President want me to do". I honestly wanted to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. I truly wanted to believe that he simply wanted to be the celebrity president he loves being and make a public service anouncement ( Like Paris Hilton, or the Jonas Brothers). But no, he actually thought he could indoctrinate our children right under our noses. Well, they are promoting liberalism as dedicatedly as vacuum salesmen so maybe he did, but thats another story.
Now the president has changed the suggested topic to "How can I achieve my short term and long term goals". Well folks, the smart money is still keeping your kid home Sep. 8th. This video will undoubtedly be a quasi indoctrination film, why else would it be followed up with essays about what the president wants our children to do? Its not a Presidential address as much as it is an instructional video.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

White House Withdraws Call for Students to 'Help' Obama - Political News -

White House Withdraws Call for Students to 'Help' Obama - Political News -

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Remembering Kennedy

If you were looking for an ultra liberal you needed look no further than Ted Kennedy. I get it, he was the enemy. You're not going to find anyone who disagreed with just about everything the man did more than yours truly; but listening to talk radio lately has made me sick at the lengths we can go to in order to destroy someone, politically and personally, even after death. Listening to the Michael Savage show, caller after caller was allowed to call in to say they were glad Ted Kennedy was dead and that it should have happened sooner. This is simply unacceptable. There must be a comradery between citizens just as there should among legislators. We must work together to keep this country great instead of working to destroy each other in order to further our own ideals.

Kennedy Memoir: Chappaquiddick Actions 'Inexcusable' -- Politics Daily

Kennedy Memoir: Chappaquiddick Actions 'Inexcusable' -- Politics Daily

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Follow up

After my last post I was suprised to find that in 2008 government computer security report cards came out for the year 2007 giving the government an overall grade of "C". Very reassuring. Grades were based upon reports sent by agency inspector generals to the White House. Given this information, why would Obama think the government is best suited to instruct critical civilian internet companies during an "emergency" when they can't correctly maintain their own systems! This is just another example of the government attempting to takeover more and more of the private sector thereby securing a chokehold on the population.

Is Obama Trying to Take Over the Internet? - Stephen Spruiell - The Corner on National Review Online

Is Obama Trying to Take Over the Internet? - Stephen Spruiell - The Corner on National Review Online

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Had An Apiphany!

Well, yesterday just before I got off work I started feeling just a bit queezy. Without going into too much detail I had to stop twice before I made it home. Then, once I made it to bed, I was right back up throwing up my socks. After about 12 hours of that I took my temperature. 101.4. Not too bad but I've never had a fever before so I was hurting pretty bad. Then it hit me. I've already thought of 3 different possibilities for what this could poisoning, flu, swine flu!!! If I can't narrow it down past that then how is a doctor supposed to narrow it down if he's only got 5 minutes or less to spend with me. I know what your thinking, "doctors spend more time on patients than that". Well you're right. As of now they do take more time than that; but what about if and when the public option takes effect and rapidly shoves all competitors aside. What about when noone has the responsibility of taking care of their own healthcare so people just start going to the doctors office for every cough and sniffle that they get. This public option is very dangerous and when you realize what I realized then you can see that it's going to cost more than then entire treasury when it's all said and done, it's going to cost lives. By the way, I'm feeling %100 better today so atleast I can exclude swine flu.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

British Woman Refused Ambulance

British native Carmen Blake was recently refused an ambulance when she suddenly went into labor. Carmen claims she was told "You've had nine months to sort out a ride". You did not read that wrong! Why can't people see that this is whats coming to a hospital near you if Obama and the Obammunists get their way? When it comes to cost over life the government isn't a lick better than the worst insurance company. Its obvious whey their doing this. It gets votes! Everybody wants "free" stuff. But the Democrats know that this is an absolutely unworkable plan unless costs are drastically cut. And underneath the illusion that costs are going to be significantly cut by preventive care and cost waste management is the unavoidable truth that care denial is the ONLY way noticeable cost saving can be accomplished. Back a liberal into a corner and this is the truth they have to admit (Thom Hartmann). By the way; Ms. Blake and her baby and doing just fine (No thanks to the Royal Healthcare system).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Whats up with Ron Reagan ?

Ron Reagan has got to be the most annoying person I can think of, atleast right this second. I've never seen anyone so sure of their liberal beliefs without a shred of credible evidence to back any of it up. On top of that he smears anyone that doesn't agree with his "Free Cotton Candy for Everybody" way of thinking. Tonight on his show he once again called Sarah Palin an inexperienced clown. Keep in mind he's completely in love with the Barack Obama who's got about as much leadership experience as stale bread. I notice people like Reagan rarely try to dispute things she or other prominent conservatives say, instead opting to take the low road and insult them instead. Maybe I'm the only one but I was raised to believe that people who can't win an argument based on facts usually resort to character assassination rather quickly. Then theirs his other belief that being born white is akin to one of the seven deadly sins. Hearing his take on the Crowley/Gates situation made me absolutely sick. Without regard to the fact that Professor Gates repeatedly insulted Officer Crowley (including insults towards Crowleys' mother), and the fact that an African American officer on scene completely cooberated Crowleys' story; Reagan and his minions twisted the story to turn Officer Crowley into a blatent racist out to victimize the first black man he could find. There's nothing wrong with idealism or idealogues themselves. Their is however, something wrong with blind followers of their own beliefs who refuse to give an audience to opposing opinions. Their is also something wrong with those like Reagan, who resort to smearing those they disagreee with. Just listen objectively to a whole Ron Reagan Show and it becomes abundantly clear how warped and pathetic this guys beliefs are. I honestly don't know how he gets through the day apologizing to every minority he finds for being white and every terrorist he comes across for being American.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

auto dealers left holding the bag.

I don't understand what's going on in the liberal brain. If an auto dealer can't get reimbursed in a timely manner conducting subsidized car sales, why would any doctor want more subsidized healthcare which has been stiffing them for years? It makes no sense at all. And on top of that; rather than keep quiet and just fix the problem, Obama goes out and calls congress a victim of its own SUCCESS!!! So, what do you think will happen when socialized healthcare fails and drags the economy down with it? I'm sure something extremely positive will come out of that too.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kourtney Kardashian keeping baby.

Kudos to Kourtney Kardashian, bucking off the pressures of the entertainment world who all cavalierly told her "oh, get an abortion" as easily as they'd tell you to go to the store. Lets congratulate her for taking a prolife stand, owning her responsibilities and resisting the pressures of Hollywood.

Guns at town hall meetings?

Look, I'm a staunch conservative for the most part and a die hard second ammendment guy; but lets use some common sense. You shouldn't bring guns to any event the president or any other public figure is going to hold. I know it's a political statement but there's a time and a place for everything. Too many of our presidents and other great leaders have been shot for this kind of behavior to be acceptable. I hate just about everything Chris Mattews says but he made a good point when he said "It's not illegal to ride a pogo stick but you wouldn't ride it into church." Its just dangerous and the Secret Service already has a hard enough time keeping the leader of the free world safe. Lets cool it with the guns around our President, ok?!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Gotta love it. This socialized health care system is so bad that the White House has bombard people with unwanted emails to explain it in hopes of support. Next they'll be going door to door peddling it like used vacuum cleaners.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Its been awhile

Yes it has been awhile since my last blog. I know, I know, keep the faith. I do have lots to talk about, from our soon to be defeated nanny healthcare proposal to our anti semetic president. But for now i'll just leave this. Thank you and good night. Its only 4pm, lol.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

If I were a Super Hero

Your results:
You are The Flash

The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

With one short dismissive paragraph Judge Sotomayor dismissed the case of white firefighters of the New Haven Fire Department. ( New Haven, Conn.) "We are not unsympathetic to the plaintiff's expression of frustration," but the firefighters who filed the case don't have a "viable" claim under the law. What kind of viability is she looking for. The NHFD issued a written exam for advancement to Captain. All Lieutenants were given the same study material and the playing field was dead even. Only once it was announced that no black candidates were promoted did a problem arise in the eyes of those candidates. It makes me wonder where that empathy is that everyone keeps talking about in regards to Judge Sotomayor. Oh I almost forgot, whites need not attempt to curry any empathy. I only wonder what her ruling would have been had the roles been reversed. If not one white candidate had passed the exam and it had been thrown out, would she calously tell the black candidates that they didn't have a "viable" claim under the law to seek justice.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Guantanamo Torture Camp?

I was listening to that leftwing nutjob show "Ring Of Fire" with hosts Bobby Kennedy Jr. and that other yahoo Mike Papantonio when Pap Daddy called Guantanamo the "Guantanamo Torture Camp". Now this goes back to what I said about Thom Hartmann basically accusing Dick Cheney of assassinating American citizens. These accusations cross full stride into slander when there just isn't proof to back up such damning allegations. By referring to the Guantanamo Naval Base as the "Guantanamo Torture Camp" Papantino has literally accused every last service member there of being a criminal. A service member given an unlawful order is required by the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) to disobey that order. Hence, anyone knowingly working at a torture camp would by law be required to cease working there immediately. In my opinion, Air America is an anti-American socialist propaganda machine that needs to be reigned in hard by the FCC (not holding my breath on that one). Dig that, commy!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blogging For Dummies

I'm listening to an old Thom Hartmann speech and reading Blogging For Dummies, step one in my global takeover.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gay Supreme Court Justice?

I'm watching "Andrea Miller Reports" and she's asking John Thune about his opinion concerning a potential gay Supreme Court Justice. Thune say's (correctly) that we shouldn't select a Justice based on his or her homosexuality and therefore empathy towards gay issues. Miller asked him how he would vote if the selection's homosexuality was "incidental". Well, Thune gave his politically correct answer but I'm sure he was thinking the same thing I was. Do you really think a homosexual pick would be incidental, heck no!! It would be no more incidental than a female hispanic pick. Are people really as gullible as the media treats them. Anyway, if I had a vote I wouldn't vote against anyone based on race, creed, gender, religion, party affiliations or sexual preference just as long as they honestly had no personal agenda when it came to their bench rulings. On the other hand I certainly wouldn't vote for someone hoping they would be empathetic towards my beliefs.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bill Oreilly Vs. The New York Times

Kudos to Bill O'reilly for outing the New York times bias for Obama. Emails between NYT journalists showed obvious distain for a story they were basically being forced to run because no matter how hard they tried not to they kept finding evidence for a huge link between obama and Acorn. Hate on O'reilly if you want to but you can't argue with the facts Commy!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

God Bless America

Tonight I listened to Sam Cookes "A Change is Gonna Come". Wow, what a powerful song, and so prophetic. Whether you support the policies of the new president or not, (I don't by the way on most issues) you have to be amazed at the diversity of our country. You have to be proud that in such a relatively short period of time we've gone from a nation that puts blacks from the back of the bus to the White house. Only in America would this be possible, so remember that next time you compare this country to another. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door." What other nation has ever made such a statement? When I think of the strides this country is capable of it gives me new hope in light of any situation. Now I'm patriotic but I usually don't go all Toby keith on people but.....God Bless America!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Is there a God? You'd better hope not you commy atheist!!'m tired of people trying to rationalize and logically trying to convince me that there isn't a God. Look, the bottom line is that no, I can't scientifically prove there's a God. If I could it wouldn't be called faith. Get it. But on the other hand, as much as they try to pass it off as fact, evolution and the big bang theory are just that, a theory. It may take faith to believe that a devine being created the heavens and the Earth but it takes just as much faith (in nothingness) to believe that something spontaneously produced itself from nothing. Yes, thats how the theory of evolution begins, from nothing. Since energy has no beginning and no end and simply transforms from one form to another, scientifically speaking, the big bang theory is a crock. Since they couldn't explain how matter was originally created they simply said it had always been here. So why do they deem it acceptable to grant themselves the lee way to get away with a completely baseless theory but refuse to give creationism the same respect. Because they're Godless, lowly, commy atheists. A little snide I know but I'm having a moment. If there is no God then ultimately there is no one to be truly accountable to and people who serve no one and nothing but there own desire (selfish people) like it that way. Thats why they attack God and creationism even though if they're truly honest with themselves they know that the theory of evolution has more holes in it than Bonnie and Clyde. Finally, for all of you Hawkins worshipping, self gratified, hairy pitted'd better hope for your sake that their truly isn't a God because if there is theres a crispy spot in the kitchen of Hell with your name on it.....Bill Maher.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why does Obama hate the military?

With an ongoing war in Iraq (thats not going to end in nineteen months, all combat troops...please) and an escalation of the war in Aghganistan why does President Obama feel its necessary to drastically cut military man power not to mention technological advancement funds. I'll tell you why. He doesn't care about the military or any member of the armed services. If he did he wouldn't be making members with over 20 years of dedicated service prove their worth to keep their jobs. I guess if you're going to spend every dime the country has somethings got to go. Well it isn't going to be the entertainment liason is it? What a clown.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Smoking tax is bill of attainder

I hadn't thought of it this way before but after learning a short time ago about a bill of attainder because of the ninety percent tax the yahoos on capitol hill were trying to place on the yahoos on Wall St. I'm thinking that the new smoking tax is definitely a bill of attainder. It targets only the percentage of Americans that smoke and that's unfair. And don't give me this S-CHIP crap. Everybody thinks its for the kids. Well its not. Its an authoritarian attempt to tell people what they can and can't do. If they can't make people stop smoking they'll simply tax them out of price range. Think about this. If everyone stopped smoking who's going to pay for S-CHIP then. Advocates of the tax say that smoking related illnesses weigh heavily on the health care system and I don't doubt that at all but if thats the case then why aren't the extra revenues going towards smoking cessation programs. I doubt very seriously that this tax will single handedly cover the entire S-CHIP program. If Democrats think the health care system is already out of control then why are they adding more programs in the first place.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thom Hartmann The Conspiracy Theorist.

Today on my drive into work I was listening to Thom Hartmann on Air America. Now I like Thom Hartmann and while he is ultra liberal, I do like alot of his ideas and no one can say that he doesn't know the facts in any argument. That being said, today I believe he crossed the line. Its one thing to accuse the Bush administration of wrong doing and call for investigations into illegal practices. Its another thing entirely to virtually accuse Dick Cheney of assassinating American citizens. Supposed targets reached as high as U.S. senators Patrick Leahy and Tom Daschle. Don't accusations like this veer off into down right slandering. If what he says is true then fine, but you'd better have evidence, hardcore evidence before you make murderous accusations against the former Vice President of the United States. I always knew Thom Hartmann was a leftist but this goes beyond politics. The spin's getting out of control.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Leave my healthcare to me.

Tonight I watched Bill Clinton's interview on Larry King Live. I'm not the political genius I wish I was so unsuprisingly he said things I hadn't thought about before and things I didn't previously know. One of those things was that In England ( and perhaps other places ) there is not an absolute one payer healthcare system. There is in the regard that everyone is covered under a universal health care program; but, If you can afford your own insurance you are allowed to do so. Now this could agree to. I don't believe it's the governments job to provide people with healthcare but if they choose to do so then those who aren't depending on the government should come first. It may sound devicive but tough. If I've worked hard to provide myself with a certain lifestyle and can afford the level of healthcare I desire, why should I have to wait in line behind someone who depends on the government to provide care for them.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Where's my party?

I'm a religious conservative with mostly liberal economic views. My question is simple; where's my party. The problem with political parties is that it's all or nothing. As politicians go you'd probably be hardpressed to find democrats at a prolife rally or a republican arguing for universal health care. I guess I have to consider myself an independent on these grounds and who's looking out for me, because It's not Obama and friends and its not Mitchell and Baner either. The unavoidable truth is that I and others that think like me have no voice and unless someone with Ideas that aren't instilled in them along party lines takes a stand against his/her own party every now and again we never will.........I won't hold my breath.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Shut up Rush.

Is it just me or are there any other conservative thinkers that believe Rush Limbaugh is doing more harm than good. Sure, he appeals to the Republican core but he's not doing much good in the way of winning over the middle. Democrats have done a great job proclaiming Rush the head of the Republican party and if it continues we can hang up any chance at the White House in 2012.

Savior of what????

I thought I'd kick my first post off with something I've been thinking about lately. With President Obama hailed by the left as the savior of America, just what is he saving. The stock markets taking a nose dive, capitalism is soon to be on the History channel and with the reversal of the embryonic stemcell research ban so is any remnant of morality. Is he truly saving America or just finishin' her off?